Friday, 7 October 2011

Creepy Crawlies

It seems like an eternity since I put pen to paper or should I say finger to keyboard. Let’s hope I remember what to do. After a five week break in the U.K. it is back to the heat and humidity. As I said to Nik in my first text message home – The eagle has landed but all her feathers have fallen out! I’d forgotten how hot it was at this time of the year.

Since vacating my nest over a month ago word got around the creepy crawly community and they all moved in. Even Usain the mouse has moved his relatives in, talk about extended families! I have the usual collection of slugs that greet me every morning then there is the spider who lives in the toilet cistern. I have the choice of looking under my toilet seat or squatting on the pan just like all the new students do until someone tells them how to use a flush loo. Now I know why all the toilet seats are broken in The Gambia. I usually choose the former option. My toilet spider’s mum lives in the kitchen. I’m trying to stay on good terms with my eight legged friends as they are earning their keep by eating the mosquitoes.

The toilet spider

My scariest creepy crawly has decided to take up residence in my bedroom, of all places, behind the bookcase. As you can see I am yet to identify it. To give you a rough idea about its size its head looking thing is approximately two inches across and its one existing antenna measures around six inches. I didn’t get close enough with my ruler to give precise measurements. I don’t feel brave enough to tackle it without a bullet proof vest. I might have to call in Mr Touray armed with a very big flip flop. If anyone can identify Clive (I’m assuming it is a boy) the creepy crawly I would be very grateful. I did think I’d seen something similar on a deadly creatures programme on the box when I went home, let’s hope I was mistaken.

Clive the Creepy Crawly

The students start next week so it is the calm before the storm at the moment. I think I have started on a positive note though as the staff had to introduce themselves to all 1,250 of them squashed into the hall and after I’d said who I was there was a hint of a ripple of applause that went around the room so things are looking good for the year ahead.

June’s tip for the month – Hover or sit but don’t squat on a flushing loo.

For all those interested this is a field of groundnuts (peanuts). They grow just like potatoes,