Nik has just left. We had a relaxing time. We had lots of the four s’s (sun, sea, sand and sleep). We dined like kings, no brown with rice for a fortnight apart from the evening we were reduced to spam and chips (yes they still make the stuff). We took one trip up country to a wetlands reserve (Tendaba) which was an oasis for birders, which is the new and acceptable term for people like to watch birds and not just simply tick them off a list. I too am getting slightly better at identifying some of our feathered friends. They are no longer small, medium and large varieties anymore. I could now tell you what a splendid sunbird looks like and even what a yellow capped gonalek sounds like – impressed! Our journey back on local transport proved to be another bird experience. Nik had to share his seat with a very agitated cock between his legs.
Nik and his agitated cock
Floating through the mangroves
A big tree
Gazing over the river Gambia with a rare bottle of red.
Not long till my time is up now, only twelve weeks at the last count. I am starting to pick up tell tale signs that it is time to go. Like my last few pairs of M&S knickers are being held together with a wing and a prayer. My trip to the beach on Sunday saw my colleague finishing off my chips for me when all the time I was thinking to myself that this should be Nik’s job (that’s one of the marriage vows isn’t it?). I’m also down to my last jar of marmite and bag of tea bags. Maybe I’ll have to start hanging them out on the line. On a positive note, the mango season has started – heaven!
June’s tip for the week – Ensure your cock is happy and well fed before boarding transport.